Passion is love and anger combined. Seize truth, and trust others will seize it in your absence.

Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy.

Friday, June 12, 2009

HR 1207 UPDATE :: Congratulations! You have won a MAJORITY in the House of Representatives!

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Thanks to all your hard work and support, we have achieved the incredible goal of persuading 222 members of Congress to co-sponsor HR 1207, Ron Paul's bill to Audit the Fed. Benanke is surely shaking in his boots now that the people have taken action! We the People demand transparency in the Federal Reserve.

In case you haven’t seen this great video of Ron Paul explaining why we need HR 1207 here is the link:

"Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it’s realized that our liberties and wealth are in jeopardy." ~Ron Paul

So you may ask, "What's next?"

Well, keep your eyes on these Constitutionally-minded Candidates for 2010...

First of all, DEBRA MEDINA is running for GOVERNOR of TEXAS!
Debra is a true conservative and has been active in the Republican Party for 17 years. She has been married to her husband Noe for 26 years, and they have homeschooled and raised two children into responsible adults. Currently she is the Wharton County Republican Party Chair and is the Texas State Coordinator for Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty. Debra is also the founder and CEO of Prudentia Inc., a medical consulting firm.

Many grassroots activists around the state have been urging Debra to run for Governor, as we are hungry for a social and fiscal conservative to support in this crucial race. Debra Medina has been a tireless advocate of private property rights, gun ownership, individual responsibility and adherence to the Constitution. She has actively opposed big government, taxes, bailouts, mandatory vaccinations, the TTC and abortion.

Debra has heard our call and has graciously agreed to run because we need a governor who fights to protect us from intrusive government. Our current elected officials have forgotten about serving Texans. They have brought economic ruin to our nation and failed us at home. They have allowed increased federal government burdens, allowed more state control over our lives and interfered with our families, even when they say just the opposite in their speeches. Our greatness resides in the determination and ingenuity of our people, not in the government.

Please join me in supporting DEBRA MEDINA. She speaks for the people with PASSION and has all the INTEGRITY that the incumbent (and CFR member) Rick Perry lacks.


Please join a meetup group and get the word out to Texans everywhere! The sooner the better!

Second, ADAM KOKESH is running for CONGRESS in NEW MEXICO!
Adam is a leader of Iraqi Veterans Against War and he is on fire! To see Adam's powerful speech delivered to 12,000 Ron Paul Patriots last July 2008, check out this video:

"I know Adam has the energy and drive to be successful and pour every ounce of himself into this effort." ~Ron Paul

This man says what he means, and means what he says. I support him in full and ask that you join me in pledging to donate just $10 to his campaign on this July 4th. >>

Third, R.J. HARRIS is running for CONGRESS in OKLAHOMA!

"As a soldier, I pledged my life to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That very oath, as a young Sergeant in the Army, is what prompted me to read the Constitution for the first time. Since then I have learned that our government is up to a great many things that it should not be and as your Congressman, I pledge my life, liberty, and sacred honor to do all that I can to restore the rule of law, the liberty of all, and the Sovereignty of Oklahoma." ~RJ Harris

RJ HARRIS sounds like a worthy candidate with a sure-fire chance, and he gets my support! Will you support RJ HARRIS too? The money bomb is only ONE WEEK AWAY!

Fourth, Dr RAND PAUL is running for US SENATE in KENTUCKY!
Rand Paul has been campaigning for his father since he was a wee lad! He takes his orders from the Constitution and shares the same conservative views as his dad. Hopefully with your support, Rand Paul will win in a landslide and bring the voice of the people with him to Washington.

Please join me in supporting RAND PAUL >>

And finally, the newest liberty candidate to hit the scene is PETER SCHIFF for US SENATE in CONNECTICUT!
Peter Schiff recently hinted at his run for Senate on the Daily Show with John Stewart and has been making headlines in all the political publications. Politico claims that Schiff could be a "bona fide candidate" if he decided to enter the race for US Senate in Connecticut. Sciff's economic predictions and passionate grassroots support are cited as potential strong points.

Like all the other liberty candidates mentioned before, Peter Schiff stands for sound money and respect of the Constitution. He is against giant government bailouts and wrote the book "CRASH PROOF" in 2007.

Let's help him out at

Thank you all for taking the time to read this message. Please join htp:// and subscribe to the daily newsletter to stay informed.

If I left out any liberty candidates from your home states, please let me know. 2010 is going to be an amazing year for the rEVOLution! Long live the Republic!

Liberty, Peace, and Prosperity,
"Chief Squatting Duck"


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