Passion is love and anger combined. Seize truth, and trust others will seize it in your absence.

Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

SD14 Republican Convention

I suppose I should comment on the convention that took place on Saturday, March 29th, 2008.

There were double the attendees from the last election cycle, and we were only allotted 164 delegates... as opposed to the 200-something from the last time. Since there were something like 179 precincts, there was no way to fairly pick state delegates from each precinct. I went to this convention so sure that 1 state delegate was allowed in my precinct and that we would get to caucus. The min number of Rick Perry votes needed was 184, but only 155 people had voted for Rick Perry in the last election cycle... so I was screwed!

Anyway, Rick Perry actually did show up to give an introduction speech and comment on the Boy Scouts and how he expected things to stay the same within the party. Well, he was BOOD and HISSED! It was funny seeing established Republicans break their necks looking around to see where all the booing was coming from. Ya, we made our presence very well known.

Lots of people came forth with skeptical questions, and once when the Chairman wouldn't answer a question, someone in the back got pissed and interrupted by saying over and over, "Just answer the question! Answer the question!"

Mr Morrow introduced the "Minority Report" as a way of making sure the 34 at-large delegate slots were exclusively allocated to small non-caucusing precincts... like mine. When we finally voted on it, the voice-vote was way too close, so then we did a standing vote. I thought it was obvious we had won, but the chairman still thought it was far too close so we had to do a roll-call.

After the roll-call was figured with the delegate strength, we had lost. We came so very very close though. For those present, it was 408 for, and 418 against. The actual voting strength made it 800-something to 1000-something. Again, lots of people came forth with questions concerning the display screen and why it didn't have a column displaying people present as a way of preventing folks from cheating.

This makes me want to bring my laptop next time so that I may personally record all the roll calls myself and have my own checks and balances.

One by one, people from my precinct left, and finally I went to stand in line to compete for an at-large state delegate slot. I was waiting with 100 other people. It was nearing 4pm at this point, and a man came down the line asking if anyone was disabled. I pulled up my sleeve and explained that I had given blood yesterday and was feeling really weak. He allowed me to the front, and I had 30 seconds to explain why I was good state delegate material. The 3 nominations committee women looked straight through me and then cut me off at the end. I finished my sentence anyway, but they obviously didn't give a damn.

I left right afterwards, but the convention lasted all the way until 8pm. I probably should have stayed to vote on resolutions, but I heard that at least several Ron Paulers were elected to Republican positions.

We were loud and proud that day. We pushed and shoved. We scared the establishment and we learned from our experience.

Next time...

Next time...


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