Passion is love and anger combined. Seize truth, and trust others will seize it in your absence.

Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The One Percent

I just watched this documentary last night. Apparently it's been out for a while, but the part discussing the Estate Tax really stuck on me.

On one side, I don't think anyone should have to pay a death tax, but in 2013, the Estate Tax will only apply to 3 or 4000 estates... the EXTREMELY wealthy.

So here I am, thinking I might have to pay a death tax someday, when really it's only applicable to the richest of the rich.

I may still be a libertarian at heart, but I feel like I've been duped in the past that repealing the death tax is a number one priority.

Of course, in order to live in a free nation, all taxes must be abolished. If the rich get their taxes repealed, then I want MY taxes repealed. Fair is fair, and free is free.


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