Passion is love and anger combined. Seize truth, and trust others will seize it in your absence.

Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Real Politics Training School with Mike Rothfeld

Originally only 500 seats were available for this special seminar, but the house is filled with 700 people!

All day Mike has been drilling us with tactics and strategies and the math of politics and winning. He has so much to share, especially legal and parliamentary procedures, but he just doesn't have the time.

And then around 8pm, Ron Paul surprised us all. The whole house jumped out of their seats and roared with applause. When he got to the podium--and forgive me for sounding sappy--, his eyes locked on me and he shared his amazement at how so many of us have followed the movement and are seeing it through. His voice quivered and I also began to choke up. He is so sure that something big is happening from all of this training and organizing. Both his and my eyes gleamed as we shared a proud moment. He was looking straight at me, because it's true: I have been following his rallies since last year at the Iowa Straw Poll. I think I was validating HIM tonight.

I opened my hands up to him. Yes, Ron Paul, I won't let your message of liberty die. I AM in it for the long haul. There will be good waves and there will be bad waves, but I'm in this fight for life. The deal is sealed. Once you come this far, you can never go back.

EDIT: We stayed late into the night because we were all eager to learn and Rothfeld was very eager to teach. Then as the crowds milled around outside, I heard that an NBC reporter had come early this morning and was impressed with the our numbers. Then I overheard a WTPRN staff member trying to recruit people to interview, so I offered to be a part of the broadcast. Now THAT was exciting! That was my first live interview and I'm glad I got to share my story with the world. =)

I wonder if my session was recorded and I can download it...


Blogger Chief Dancing River said...

Liberty lives! I am so proud of my friends and commpatriots who flocked to my favorite place the land of lakes, to pursue and celebrate true patriotism and commitment to America by way of its Constitution. I heard Jesse Ventura was inspired...Long live Dr. Paul and all of us, his footsolders.

September 6, 2008 at 6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny... I saw this guy at the Campaign for Liberty Southern Regional Conference in Atlanta. His reputability in politics was evinced by the following:
- Two unsuccessful attempts at winning a state political campaign
- Having allegedly raised a bunch of money for unnamed causes in the past using direct-mail marketing.

Seriously, if this is a supposed leader of the liberty movement... a person who gets on stage and whips out his bible and slams the constitution down on top of it... this movement unfortunately has little chance of success. Retreating to the evangelical right's comfort zone by bashing gays, environmentalists, and trumpeting other stereotypical conservative rhetoric is not what made the Ron Paul campaign so successful. It was a success rather because it fostered a broad coalition of people concerned about excessive corporate influence on government, wars for empire, and an unsound economic system.

Lauding Rothfeld only reinforces his efficacy and does harm to the Liberty movement.

January 17, 2010 at 12:11 PM  

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